Privacy Statement

  1. Data Protection

    We appreciate you visiting our website and your interest in the products we offer. Protecting your personal data is very important to us. In this Privacy Policy, we explain how we collect your personal information, what we do with it, for what purposes and on what legal foundation we do so, and what rights you have on that basis. Our privacy statement on the use of our websites and the Global Data and Information Policy do not apply to your activities on the websites of social networks or other providers that can be accessed using the links on our websites. Please refer to their respective policies on data privacy and protection of those providers.

  2. Collecting and Processing Your Information

    1. Whenever you visit our websites, we store certain information including but not limited to, about the browser and operating system you are using,
      • the date and time of your visit; the status of the interaction (e.g. whether you were able to access the website or received an error message),
      • the usage of features on the website,
      • any search phrases you entered,
      • how often you visit individual websites,
      • the names of the files you access,
      • the amount of data transferred,
      • the Web page from which you accessed our website; and the Web page you visited after visiting our website, whether by clicking links on our websites or entering a domain directly into the input field of the same tab (or window) of the browser in which you have our websites open.
      • In addition, on platform level we do not store the full IP address, however Google is anonymizing the IP by default read here: and Google is not tracking the ISP anymore since last February read here:
      • This is for security reasons; in particular, to prevent and detect attacks on our websites or attempts at fraud.
    2. We will store and process your personal information only if you share that information with us. You can provide your consent through the Declaration of Consent (DoC) presented to you at various avenues e.g. visiting our website and/or for instance, by filling out a registration form, contact form or to execute a contract. In such cases as well, we will store and process only the data we are allowed to keep based on consent given by you or in accordance with applicable legal regulations (more information on this can be found in the section titled "Legal Foundation for Processing" clause 8).
    3. You are neither legally nor contractually obligated to share your personal information. However, certain features of our website may depend on the sharing of personal information. If you do not provide your personal information in such cases, you may not be able to use those features, or they may be available with limited functionality.
  3. Purpose of Use

    1. We use the personal information collected during your visit to any of our websites to make using them as convenient as possible for you and to protect our IT systems against attacks and other unlawful activities.
    2. If you share any personal information with us - for example, by filling out a registration form, contact form, survey, contest entry or to execute a contract with you or to provide you any goods or services - we may use that information for the designated purposes as stated in the Declaration of Consent (DoC), for purposes of customer management and if required, for purposes of processing or billing or managing business transactions within the required scope in each instance (hereinafter collectively referred to as ‘Purpose’).
  4. Transfer of Personal Information to Third Parties; Social Plugins

    1. We may transfer the personal information shared with us on our website or otherwise with third parties including but not limited to our Service Providers, to fulfill the Purpose. They may further transfer your personal information to other third parties in pursuance of any contract to fulfill the Purpose.
    2. Our websites may also contain third-party offers. If you click on any such offers, we will transfer the necessary data required to the appropriate provider (e.g. the fact that you found the offer in question on our website and, if applicable, additional information that you have already provided for this purpose on our websites).
    3. On our websites, whenever there is a use of so-called "social plugins" from social networks like Facebook, Twitter and Google+, we incorporate them in the manner described below.

      When you visit our websites, social media plugins are deactivated. That means no information, whatsoever, is transferred to the operators of those networks. If you wish to use one of the networks, click on the appropriate plugin in order to be connected directly to that network's server.

      If you have a user account with that network and are logged in at the moment you activate the plugin, the network will be able to detect your visit to our websites and assign it to your user account. If you wish to prevent that, please log off from the network before activating the social plugin. A social network will not be able to detect that you have visited other CallsCard websites unless you have activated its social plugin on those sites as well.

      When you activate a social plugin, the network transfers the content thus made available directly to your browser, which incorporates it into our websites. In that situation, data transfers initiated and controlled by the respective social network may also take place. Your connection to a social network, the data transfers that take place between the network and your system, and your interactions on that platform are governed exclusively by the respective network's data privacy and protection policy.

      The social plugin will remain active until you deactivate it or delete your cookies.

      Cookie Policy

      Whenever you click on a link of third party or activate a social plugin, your personal information may be transferred to third parties in or outside Dubai. Please keep these circumstances in mind before you click on a link or activate a social plugin, thereby causing your data to be transferred.

  5. Analysis of User Data and Use of Analytics Tools

    1. We want the content of our websites to match your preferences as closely as possible, thereby improving what we offer to you. To identify especially popular areas of our websites, we use the following analytics tools: Google Analytics 360
    2. When we employ these analytics tools, information may be transferred to servers located in the Dubai, United Arab Emirates, India, Singapore, European Union or the United States and processed there.
    3. If you do not wish us to use the above named analytics tools to collect and analyze information about your visit to our websites, you may permanently object to the practice (opt out) at any time.
    4. Below you will find information about the providers of the analytics tools and the respective opt-out procedures:
      • Google Analytics 360 from Google Inc. ("Google"): Google Analytics 360 is ISO 27001 certified.
      • Google classifies Google Analytics 360 data as confidential information, governed by Google's privacy policies. Google audits compliance with its own privacy policies which may be read here:
      • You can also control your privacy settings through the read here:
  6. Usage-based information (targeting and retargeting)

    We use so-called targeting and retargeting technologies in order to tailor our online marketing (e.g. banner ads) more specifically to your needs and interests. This involves using cookies to store information about your interest in our products and services. When you visit either our websites (targeting) or other websites (retargeting) that work together with our retargeting partners, those cookies are read and used to provide you with information that is customized and most closely related to your interests. A so-called cookie-ID pseudonym is stored in the cookies. That means you cannot be easily identified through the process. During the retargeting process, we may also collect information about your interest in the products and services of our retargeting partners.

    When these targeting and retargeting tools are used, some data may be transferred to servers located outside Dubai and processed there. Please read the information concerning that in Section 5b of this Privacy Statement.

    If you do not wish us (and our targeting/retargeting partners) to process information about your visit or to tailor banner advertisements to your interests, you may permanently object to the practice (opt out) at any time.

  7. Security

    We take technical and organizational security measures in order to protect your information managed by us from being tampered with, lost, destroyed or accessed by unauthorized individuals. We are continuously improving our security measures in line with technological advancements.

  8. Legal Foundations for Processing

    1. If you have given us your consent to process your personal information, then that is the legal foundation for processing your information.
    2. If processing your personal information is required to fulfill any of our legal obligations (e.g. data retention), we will be authorized to do so.
    3. Furthermore, we may process personal information for purposes of protecting our legitimate interests. Examples of such interests include maintaining the functionality of our IT systems, marketing our products and services and those of third parties (partially by means of tracking, targeting and retargeting, see Sections 5 and 6 of this Statement) and the legally required documentation of business contacts. As part of the consideration of interests required in each case, we take into account various aspects, in particular the type of personal information, the purpose of processing, the circumstances of processing and your interest in the confidentiality of your personal information. Please note, the purpose of processing your personal information is mentioned in the Declaration of Consent accepted by you at various instances.
  9. Deleting Your Personal Information

    In addition, on platform level we do not store the full IP address, however for Google, below are the details:

    • Google is anonymizing the IP by default. read here:
    • Google is not tracking the ISP anymore since last February. read here:

    This is for security reasons; in particular, to prevent and detect attacks on our websites or attempts at fraud. Moreover, we delete your personal information within a reasonable time after the purpose for which it was collected and processed has been fulfilled. Storage beyond that time takes place only if required by laws that apply to us.

  10. Revocation of Consent and Update of Personal Information

    If you have consented to the storage and processing of your personal information; you may revoke your consent at any time, subject to applicable laws which may require us to store your information under certain circumstances e.g. for providing important regulatory, product updates about our products to you as a customer, and change or updates in your Personal Information by writing to or calling our Customer Connect Phone number: 00000 00000

  11. Newsletter

    You may unsubscribe from our emailers option available at any time by using the option to unsubscribe contained in the auto mailers.

  12. CallsCard's Central Registration Service

    With the Central Registration Service offered by CallsCard, you can sign up for every website and application belonging to CallsCard and its brands that are connected to the service. The terms of use for the Central Registration Service contain special data protection provisions. Those terms of use can be found on the registration pages of affiliated websites and applications under "Terms and Conditions of Registration."

  13. Cookies

    You can find information about the cookies we use and their functions in our Cookie Policy.

    Cookie Policy

Privacy Statement on shared analysis and marketing activities on this specific CallsCard website

This privacy statement describes how the three entities listed above process your personal data for the purpose of shared analysis and marketing activities on this specific website. Protecting your personal data is a high priority for all parties of this privacy statement and is taken into account for all business processes. This privacy statement provides you with a detailed summary regarding the processing of your personal data in relation to the analysis and marketing activities mentioned below.

"Personal data", according to the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union (GDPR), means all information that relates to a natural person who has been or can be identified. You will also find information what rights you are entitled to regarding the processing of your personal data according to the GDPR.

The way CallsCard entities process personal data within, or related to individuals within, the European Union and European Economic Area is always based on the CallsCard Data Protection Policy EU. read here:.

Who is responsible for processing my personal data, and whom can I contact on the topic of data protection?

The controller responsible for processing your personal data for shared analysis and marketing activities on this specific website are:


Where does my data come from and what data is processed?

Whenever you visit this specific website and if you have consented the following categories of data are stored and shared with CallsCard:

For what purpose and on what legal basis is your personal data processed?

The personal data collected during your visit on this websites is used for conducting personalization and targeted advertising measures. Moreover, the website usage behavior is analyzed to improve website usability and enhance digital products and campaigns. In addition, that data is used for statistical reports.

Within the scope of the joint controllership, your personal data is processed based on your consent according to Art. 6 (1) (a) GDPR. Your consent is optional and may be withdrawn at any time through the Consent Management Platform of this specific website. The lawfulness of data processing before such withdrawal remains unaffected by the withdrawal.

Will my data be sent to a third country?

When passing on data to third parties based on your consent, personal data may be provided from within the European Union ("EU") or the European Economic Area (“EEA”) to recipients in countries outside the EU or EEA, i. e., in a so-called third country.

In some third countries, from the EEA's point of view, an adequate level of personal data protection (so-called "adequacy") exists, in compliance with EU standards. With other recipients in third countries, CallsCard agree on the use of EU standard contractual clauses, binding corporate rules or other applicable instruments to create an "adequate level of protection" according to legal requirements. For more information, please contact one of the controllers.

How long will my data be stored?

Your personal data will be stored until the purpose for which it was collected and processed has been fulfilled. Beyond this period, data storage only takes place to the extent made necessary by applicable legislation, regulations or other legal provisions in the European Economic Area or in third countries if these have an adequate level of data protection. If personal data must be retained on such basis, the relevant personal data are flagged to restrict their further processing.

What rights do I have under GDPR?

According to GDPR, you have certain rights regarding the processing of your personal data. Making you aware of these rights is very important to CallsCard:

If you wish to assert one of your rights or receive more information, please contact CallsCard

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